From TimeSink, I spent my hours at the computer. Not only now, actually, but days. World of Warcraft is the most popular MMORPGs (Massively multiplayer online role-playing, wow!) In the history of online gaming - and that's why it's incredibly addictive. I played Everquest for 3 or 4 years before WoW was released, including a break of the game. Everquest ate a lot of my social life as a teenager, referred to in my bedroom after school (and sometimesduring school hours). Because I was older when I started playing WoW, I had the feeling that my time a little 'better deal - but I always spent too much time to play the game damn!
After almost three years of World of Warcraft, with its cartoon-character models, together guild of large (40 or more people in the cohesion of the demanding work for a goal, which ultimately was the largest TimeSink full) and the endless character development (look in other words, wasting 8 hoursan element type), my interest in the game calmed down. I left everything for a while 'just to take it again for another period of work, and as it seems now, put - for a good time. In total I spent about 150 days of the game World of Warcraft. This is all day, with 1 day 24 hours or 3600 hours in total. This was granted for a period of three years, but this does not change the fact that this game will eat about 3.5 months of my young life.
Now that you knowThis game has the potential to transform a normal, sociable person in a complete hermit, he left briefly to one of (maybe the only) positive aspects of World of Warcraft. The game forces the player to make friends. Of course you're not playing face to face with people you meet online (unless you could somehow the 10s of millions of people play this game together in a great stadium - or a small country), but has a purpose for promote unity and loyalty to the other players, it isseen regularly throughout the game. Friendships through the game online can potentially be done to extend the duration of the game, as is the case with my old Everquest guild. Although, I ended up losing contact with them. Otherwise, the only advantage that you do not need a top-of-the-line monster gaming machine to run WoW. The graphics are designed for smooth display of low-end PCs.
Now for the bad. My list of negatives associated with playing MMOs is much longer than the positive. Thea significant negative impact, as I explained above, the period of time the average player spends online. My marathon is not 3600 hours for a lot of people, unusual. With millions of players to play WoW, which is a lot of wasted time! The anonymity of an online game where everyone is faceless and the consequences of the treatment of other players are bad almost does not exist, some people say or do things that probably not in real life. Some games, this time in particular, has a policy of punishingPlayers who derogatory and insulting comments to make against other players, but if the crime (racial or sexual) is not particularly serious, there is usually no effect.
At times in line are the lines of what is right and wrong are blurred. Because of the amount of time spent in virtual world players, tend to take the game too seriously. In Everquest, where there are two factions that attack can kill each other and to the good side were called by the players as light,while the other (male) of them were known as people of color. For me it was a racist tendency have. Trash-talking was common in Everquest. One thing I liked about WoW - not members of opposing factions from each other (which I'm sure, will avoid many problems) to speak.
This is the World of Warcraft has explained from the perspective of an ex-addict. I particularly of my problems with the game (and more or less true for the entire genre). If you want to know more about the mechanisms ofGame, I suggest you visit the site Word of Warcraft. There are more games being released in the near future, so I decide to check out, but because of my experience with WoW (and Everquest), are increasingly in control of my addiction digital future. I had to learn to delegate my time in the hard way. The 10s of millions of WoW subscribers current must then learn the same lesson too!