When creating a fictitious leader you need to decide what is to them that they could begin to take over the mantle of power. Too often, the Orcs are only part of a horde of nameless, more intelligent allies simply swarm forward and serve as cannon fodder direct, but a true master would have been a real culture, real leaders, and the reasons for the leaders, the have control. Here we will create three leaders of the imagination, so put these principles.
The first leaderif the head of a confederation of tribes that may be at the foot of a mountain, to exist at the top strings of a nation prosperous nation, both trade and raid on a regular basis. They number about 20,000 people, and many of them wearing their hats and shepherds of sheep and goats living busy life. They are rich, well armed with iron and with modern saddles, and are strongly linked by blood and family. Their leaders have transformed theReligion in the south and being relaxed for the most part and feel comfortable with his power.
The second leader of a large area would not normally be open levels allow cohesion, but a mass of hills and low mountains, valleys and slopes on which his tribe scattered, more divided in small tribes and clans of a large unit. It was a shrewd, violent orcs, because of mounting raids deep into human territory and then vanish again in his country, not to impose order on hisTrailer, but still it brings back good loot than anything else. His tribe would hold approximately 10,000 range, and almost together as a tribe.
The third tenant would be such a powerful medium, a participation of several brothers who continue their tribes by force and intimidation. His curse is that the north side of the mountain a few people to have to attack, forcing them to live off the land and impoverish beyond their southern neighbors. Asspends much of his time trying to find a road leading south to the South are actively courts and crush the orcs highlands.